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Wasta-Linux: GitHub Setup

This page is part of the Wasta-Linux customizing process.

Follow the below steps in order establish your GitHub ID and register a SSH key with GitHub in order to be ready to contribute to the Wasta-Linux custom packages hosted on GitHub.

  1. Sign up for a GitHub ID


  2. Create an Open SSH Key

    • “Passwords and Keys” app: Select File > New from the menu to create a Secure Shell Key (if you do not already have one: if you already have one you can skip ahead to step 3)

      New Secure Shell Key

    • Give the key a descriptive name, ignore any Advance key options, and click “Just Create Key”

      Just Create Key

    • DO NOT set a passphrase when prompted, just leave it blank and click “OK” 2 times.

    • You should now see your SSH key in the “OpenSSH keys” section of the Passwords and Keys application:

      New Key Created

  3. Add SSH Key to your GitHub account

    • “Passwords and Keys” app: Open the SSH key created in step 2 and go to the “Details” tab, noting the location of the folder.  Typically this would be the hidden .ssh folder in your user home.

      SSH Key Location

    • Open the id\_rsa.pub file (the “Public Key” for your SSH key) in the ssh folder and copy the entire contents of the id_rsa.pub file to your clipboard.  The file should look something like this:

      Contents of id._rsa

    • Log into your GitHub account and click on your user name / icon in the top right of any GitHub page, and choose “Settings”.  From the main “Settings” page you should see a “SSH keys” tab like this:

      Github Account

    • In the “SSH keys” tab, click “Add SSH key”, entering a description in the “Title” field and pasting in the contents of  your id_rsa.pub file from the clipboard in the “Key” field.  Click “Add key”.

      GitHub Add Key

    • Your “SSH keys” tab should now list the key:

      GitHub List Key

  4. Contact the Wasta-Linux team

    Please contact us through the Wasta-Linux Users Forum after you have created your GitHub account so we can add your GitHub ID as a GitHub Wasta-Linux organization member.